Sawyer & Company Pleased to Join Forbes New York Business Council

Sawyer & Company is pleased to announce their acceptance into the Forbes New York Business Council, an invitation-only community consisting of the Greater New York City Area's most successful and notable business leaders and owners, created by Forbes in partnership with YEC, a world-class entrepreneurship organization.
"Through our selection process, we recruit and invite members not just on the basis of career success, but on their diversity of perspective and willingness to give as much as they gain. We bring these members together in communities tailored to their industry or region," says Forbes.
Members are selected for Forbes Councils based on their depth and diversity of experience, then invited to share their insights via CommunityVoice on Sawyer & Company is excited to participate in sharing ideas and to connect with fellow council members in the industry, and share their design philosophy through this incredible platform.
For more information on Sawyer & Company, and to see past projects, please visit SawyerCo.Design.